For our second meeting, we invited a number of former and current LUG members to come and talk about their experiences using Linux and Open Source during their internships or in their careers.
Guest Speakers included:
- Michael Eisemann (NSA, LUG President Emeritus)
- Sam Battalio (Pure Storage, LUG Officer emeritus)
- Conor Nailos (Deloitte, LUG Officer emeritus)
- Emory Smith (Lucata, LUG Member emeritus)
- Zephan Enciso (ND CSE, LUG Officer emeritus)
- Nolan McShea (HP, LUG President)
- John Sullivan (Aerospace Corporation, LUG Officer)
- Joshua Tabar (Startup, LUG Ally)
- Jacob Mozdzen (Microsoft, LUG Ally)
Along with our 9 panelists, we had about 15 members in attendance to learn and discuss Linux and open source with our guest speakers. Highlights from the meeting include:
- Linux commands come in handy such as grep, cut, and others.
- Operating system principles help to understand the ideas in industry.
- Even navigating at a basic level on a Linux machine is extremely helpful, especially if you know how to read documentation and figure things out.
- You will inevitably hit red tape because some companies don’t want you doing whatever you want. Find ways to work around it or have other projects to work on as well.
- Linux+ certificate may not matter as much. It can be better just by doing and working on projects. It depends a bit on the industry too - for example it may be more relevant for consultants to have certifications.
Of course, you can catch all the wisdom of our panelists by watching the record on YouTube: